Wahaka Espadin Mezcal (750ml / 40%)

Wahaka Espadin Mezcal (750ml / 40%)


Wahaka Mezcal is produced by the family of 5th Generation Maestro Mezcalero Alberto Morales with help from the community of San Dionisio Ocotepec, Oaxaca. It is made from 100% Agave Angustifolia (Espadin) with harvesting maturity of 8-9 years. The Agaves are roasted in an earth pit, mashed with stone Tahona and naturally fermented in open air wooden vats without any enzymes or accelerants. It is then double distilled in a copper still delivering an authentic 25 day artisanal hand crafted product from single village sustainable estate USDA certified 100% organic agave plants.

Wahaka Artisanal Espadin is the embodiment of traditional mezcal. Straight or mixed, the balance of smoke and sweetness mark the start to your mezcal adventure.

AROMA: Shoe leather. Watermelon sweet but a tad musty. 
TASTE: Balance! Smoky, candy sweet and some minerality too – a total all around’er.
ENJOY: Sipping mezcal is enjoyed slowly and with friends. Makes premium cocktails.

    The Nitty Gritty
    Production Notes
    Please note: Every care has been taken to ensure our production notes are as acurate as possible. Where you detect any issues, please let us know and we'll fix them right up.
    • Master Distiller: Alberto Morales
    • Maguey: Espadin
    • Town/ Village: San Dionisio Octopec
    • State: Oaxaca
    • Classification: Artisanal Mezcal
    • Expression: Joven
    • Cooking method: Conical Earthen Pit
    • Extraction method: Stone Wheel
    • Fermentation: Wooden Fermentation Tubs,Wild Yeast
    • Still type: Copper Pot
    • Distillation: Double
    • Age Statement: Unaged
    • ABV: 40.0 %
    • Website: https://www.wahakamezcal.com
    Additional Information